The best made plans

Plans, we all make them, and we are encouraged to do so, but most of the time life doesn’t go to plan. I planned to keep blogging but you may notice its been almost 6 years since my last post. Anyway I am back writing now (and thank you for reading my ramblings). So what caused this sudden concern with plans, you may ask. Well my little sister has just announced her pregnancy, and it shocked me to be honest (although I am obviously very pleased to soon be auntie Danni). I had no idea that her and her husband had planned to start a family so soon.

Now that she is expecting she is keen to know what my plans are. Currently we live on opposite sides of the world and she wants to know if I will come home or not now that she is having a kid. The problem is I have no answer for her. I am happy living in the UK but work is challenging and the NHS pays next to nothing (I could earn twice as much with better resources/conditions back in Australia). However I love living in London and I haven’t been here long (about 6 months) and I don’t feel like this adventure is over yet. Before she announced the upcoming arrival of my niece or nephew (my bet is on nephew, just for the record) my lack of plans did not matter. I could live this lovely free life where I could stay here as long as I liked and come home when I wished. Until the announcement it didn’t matter that I am broke (the result of living in London and trying to live off a wage that is less then the minimum wage in Australia). Kris (my now husband – yep got married and everything since my last post) and I are following our dreams. My dream being to live in London and his being to try and start his own podcast business.

This sounds lovely and poetic and ambitious but what it really equates to is us living a very simple life in a wonderful city. I am always working, Kris is always on his computer and we have no money to go out and definitely no money to travel even if Europe is on our doorstep. Kris’ podcast is brilliant (and I am not just saying that because I am his wife and I am obliged to say so) he has managed to get interviews with some impressive tech people, and its really quite interesting, even to me the most untechy person. However how do you let people know about this brilliant podcast when you have next to no money for advertising? that is not a rhetorical question I am literally asking because that is the problem no one knows about his wonderful creation (its called Moonshot by the way, and I shall shamelessly plug it and include all the details at the end of this post)

I suppose the biggest thing on my mind is “am I behind”. Kris turned 30 a few weeks ago and we have been married for 3 years now. All our friends are having babies and buying houses and beginning to leave their youth behind ,to become grown ups with mortgages and children i.e. scary HUGH responsibilities. We are no where near this point in our lives. We have just spent all our savings moving to the UK, Kris gave up working to focus on his podcast, and I still haven’t quite finished my qualifications or even decided exactly what I want to do for a career. It will be a long time before we can think about buying a house and therefore even longer before we could contemplate bringing new life into the world. So I keep thinking am I running behind? Should I just give up this dream, go home to a well paid boring job and work towards the house and kids?

I feel like that is what society thinks I should do, but its not what I want to do. I am not ready to stop travelling, to stop exploring. Plus I quite enjoy being broke (as long as I have enough money for the rent) it makes you focus on the important things in life and has taught me to enjoy the simple things. Kris and I have a better marriage when we are broke, and I have now learned a crucial lesson, that the best things in life really are free.

Plans – we don’t have any at the moment and I am quite happy with this. I am going to enjoy this time of being free from plans and from responsibilities. Most people don’t have any memories earlier then about 4 years of age, so I will be back before my niece or nephew is able to remember the time in which I was not there, and who knows with my lack of plans and lack of funds I may even be back before they enter the world. The best part is I have no idea what will happen and that is really quite exciting.

Now to my shameless plugging of Kris’ Podcast

Click here for the Moonshot website

Click here to download the moonshot podcast for FREE

Click here to see the Facebook page for Moonshot



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