“Calling Mr. Right… Mr. Right millions of females (and some males) are looking for you..”

Its that happy ending at the end of the predictable romantic comedy… its the fairy tales we were told as children, its those stories that are passed around the grape vine… it becomes what we expect, one day I will meet a lovely guy and fall in love and have my own fairy-tale story to tell… for the most part that is true you will probably meet a nice guy who you love (I’m not counting the poor girls who end up with creeps because that is just disheartening). However while this is fantastic we are still waiting for the magical story that we can be the center of and share with others. We expect our Mr. Right to be just that right, perfect, but since we are after a same species relationship he is in fact human (this is rather shocking really) and as a human being he is not perfect and he does not and will not fulfill your every single dream, ideal, wish or desire. But before you say that he must not be the right one think about the fact that its a two way street, you’re human too, and unless you look like Miranda Kerr (and no one does really) and have countless other attributes that he wants, that collectively are impossible to find in one human being, then guess what you too are not his idea of perfect…

that may be true and all very well but how then do some girls get that fairy tale, I WANT THAT…

please don’t fall into that trap because fairy tale stories are rare that is what makes them special and not all guys are even capable of them so it is simply unrealistic for every girl to expect one.. From what i have gathered they occur three different ways:

firstly – location
people meet somewhere far away from where at least one of them belongs… this is just a normal story of love only vamped up because someone had to move across the world and if you really think about it, it is actually luckier if this doesn’t happen to you and you manage to find someone on the same side of the world because it makes things a lot easier

secondly – unforeseen circumstances
this is another amazing story you don’t actually want because in order to brag about this love story there has to be some sort of bad even horrible circumstances in order to provide a way for your guy (or you) to prove how much they love you and how amazing they are, and no one really wants to get cancer, have a nearly fatal car crash, freak accident or loose someone they love…

thirdly – the romantic
this is the one that we all actually want because there is no negative side to this (for the girls at any rate). This kind of magical story involves a guy who loves a girl so much that they must prove it to them through all number of sweet and romantic means which are normally either incredibly thoughtful or incredibly expensive or in some very rare occasions both. not to be fooled though its not the money that matters here its the fact that the girl was worth so much to the guy that he was willing to spend the time or money (i don’t actually think most girls care which but i personally prefer the time option) doing something for her (import bit coming up right now) just because he loved her… (not because he was told, suggested, hinted at, etc) that is what we all want… someone who does crazy, beautiful, sweet, romantic things just because he loves you

however think really hard… how many couples do you know (not a friend of a friend of a friend) where the guy is actually like this on a regular basis, and not just the once or maybe just maybe twice… ?

me i know the one couple which i bet is one more then most people know.. but even then i don’t think they can entirely count in the romantic division of my definitions of magical stories because while they started out in that devision they then spread to unforeseen circumstances, and location as well and that is just in the few months they have been dating… quite the super couple of magical stories at the moment… but they got me thinking

eventually these thoughts led to the rational conclusion that what the driving force is behind all these stories and thus what we really crave is love, the big kind that shakes up life as you know it and ensures it will never be the same again.. we want to feel loved and as silly as it seems to guys we want a guy who wants to scream that they love you from roof tops (not literally though cause that might be a bit strange, rather the concept of not being able to keep it contained having to show it by some means). How to be a romantic guy, external validation… its as simple as that

however much we crave it external validation is not a foundation for a relationship just the decoration. you can have a good healthy strong Christmas tree with no decoration and you can have a weak frail nearly dead christmas tree with decorations, the healthy tree is always the best option because you can always get decorations later and even if you don’t your Christmas tree will still last the distance unlike the fail nearly dead tree with all the flashy lights…

what i think we often forget is that no matter how amazing someone is and how much you are in love it will never be perfect. you will fight and get mad at each other and sometimes they will really piss you off. But don’t fret this is deceptive because in moderation (please note that word it is important, so i’ll say it again… moderation) it actually shows you how great a couple you are, you can’t feel so much unless you really really care about them. In the end what we should really be searching for is not the perfect person who is super romantic but the person that person who brightens your every day just by simply being in it…

we shouldn’t worry about the decorations to much, it doesn’t matter if you have a magical story to tell… the best story i can think of to tell about love is a story not all full of fairy tale like romantic gestures, rather its a tale of a lovely guy who was more used to being friends with girls then dating them, who is awkward in all things romance related and doesn’t really know how to get from boy meets girl to boy and girl are now dating… a guy who couldn’t manage to ask the girl out and just hoped that if they spent enough time together and slowly acted more coupley that they would eventually just be dating no question needed… this couple argues and he often makes her cry because he isn’t very good at putting what he means into words often making a well meant compliment sound like a horrible insult… but that is always short lived as love always prevails over arguments and miscommunications, he cooks for her, looks after her when she is sick, listens to all her problems, and is trying so very hard to learn how to understand this seemingly strange individual who he loves… its not an outlandish story that makes you go WOW. However its still amazing because its absolutely full of love, its the story of somebody’s Mr. Right, a Mr. Right that doesn’t match what they thought he should, but instead is and offers so much more then what they expected…

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